The mission of the library is to provide a collection of materials to the congregation that will encourage the growth of their Christian faith and nurture their spiritual lives. The materials in the collection are consistent with the Bible and offer resources for Bible study, information, family issues, and recreational reading.
Library Hours:
Sunday 9:30a-12p
Monday-Thursday 9:30a-4:30p
Volunteering: Do you want to be part of the library team? Stop by the library or email
What kinds of items are available in the library?
Books, cd’s, and dvd’s for preschool, children, youth and adults
How do I check out an item in the library?
When you check out an item for the first time, you fill out a patron registration form for yourself and your immediate family. If a volunteer is not on duty, please follow the posted directions for checking out. We will enter you and your family as patrons and checkout your books.
What are the loan periods?
Two weeks for books and one week for cd’s, dvd’s, and vhs tapes.
Can I renew books?
Yes, for two more weeks at a time.
Are there fines for late books?
No, just return the book as soon as possible. We do want it back!
What happens if I damage or lose a book?
You will be asked to pay for the book, because we will need to replace it. We rarely have damaged or lost books, so don’t worry that your child will damage a book. We want children to love books and learn to care for them.
Where do I return items or place donations to the library?
There are cabinets with drawers marked for item returns and donations in the library, one in the entrance to the Worship Center building, and in the preschool foyer.
What if I forget to return a book?
An email will be sent to remind you that an item is overdue. Just bring it in.
How can I find out which items the library has?
Ask the volunteer on duty OR look an item up in the catalog on the computer station located by the window.